The Benevolence Committee provides aid to our sick and shut-ins. They assist in whatever capacity they can to comfort and help the bereaved, often by providing the funeral dinner if requested. They make mention to the board of those in the community who are in need of special assistance. They also deliver meals to attending church families with newborns and those who recently had major surgeries.
The Prayer Ministry Team encourages the church body to grow through prayer. They meet and pray each Saturday for the next day's worship service. The team also plans and attends prayer events, such as the National Day of Prayer Service. The prayer room at the back of the Sanctuary is maintained by the Prayer Ministry Team.
The Education Committee works to develop a program of religious education for the entire church body (all ages) in keeping with general objectives of Christian Education. Some of their primary responsibilities include the selection and purchase of Sunday-School curriculum, appointing a VBS director, selecting a Christmas Program director, and finding teachers/sponsors for Sunday School and Youth Group classes.
The Evangelism Committee promotes an evangelistic spirit within the church and plans church outreach events. It also works to seek out prospective members and to aid those who have recently joined the church.
​The Worship Committee works to lead our church body in a genuine experience of worship in our public services and to enrich personal and family devotional life. It is responsible for preparing the worship service volunteer list (the one that covers who is leading music, giving the communion meditation, serving in the nursery, etc). It also makes sure our nursery and communion supplies are taken care of.
The Fellowship Committee seeks to cultivate fellowship among those attending the church in order to strengthen the bonds between church family and friends under the banner of Christ. Much of what they do involves meals for church events like the Ladies Brunch and our Easter Sunrise Breakfast. They also plan occasional outings to foster healthy relationships between members.
The Missions Team is responsible for facilitating short term mission trips. They select and organize the projects for our trips, as well as manage the fund-raising for them. They also gather supplies to send to areas in need as circumstances arise.
The Security Team works together to ensure the safety of those gathered to worship.
Do you see a need? Do you have a passion, but do not see a committee formed for it? We want to utilize everyones God given gifts, and if you would like to do something, please see the Ministers or Leaders so that we can help God's glory shine through you!